
Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Journal Pages

I am always looking for fun new things to use either in the classroom or in my personal life. Recently, I stumbled across something that could work for both!

The blog has a TON of brilliant printables, but my favorites are her journaling pages. There are 50 of them and are, as she puts it, "Created out of a sense of delightful, insightful personal exploration.  They combine fill-in-the-blank journal prompts with unconventional to-do lists, game-show-inspired lightning rounds, action-inspiring quotes, and oodles of hand-drawn doodles."

I absolutely ADORE the format of these pages, the quotes, and the questions that are posed on each one. 

Each page really causes you to stop and reflect. 

I don't think that I spend enough time doing things like this because I am so focused on other things in my life. 

I was thinking that I would love to start working through the journal pages on my own time each night and doing a journal page a week with my students. (All she asks is that you email her to ask for permission first. I did and she was really friendly!)

Some of the journal pages have content that would not be 100% suitable for the age my students are, but if I am working through them on my own I will know which ones I need to veto for classroom use.  

If we do a journal page a week in the classroom at the end of the year my students would have 36 journal pages that show their thoughts/growth over the course of the year. Perhaps we could bind each student's journal and they can do a culminating journal entry in which they talk about their personal journalling experience over the year!

This is my favorite find of the new year and I would definitely suggest you check it out!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kacey! Thanks so much for writing about my journal pages. I loved reading your journal ideas for your classroom -- and for your own journal, too. :) I hope you and your students have lots of fun! Best wishes and happy journaling, Christie
