
Friday, February 15, 2013

Classroom Library- Top Reads

 I always tell my kids that I don't mind if they are reading below their grade level, above their grade level, or just plain junk as long as they are reading for fun! Because of this I am always looking for new books to add to my classroom library that I think will really interest my kids.
I thought I would dedicate this post to the books that are checked out (go missing) the most.
I believe that books can be unisex for anyone who wants to read them, but I broke them down based on who checks them out the most. 
Boy Graphic Novels 
The Bone Series of graphic novels by Jeff Smith are the most checked out books by boys.
Girl Supernatural Books
These are the most popular books in my classroom library for girls. I feel like supernatural books are completely overkill at this point, but my girls still LOVE them! I should note that some of these are only appropriate for the upper grades.
Bluford High -All Kids
 The kids at my school go CRAZY for this series. I cannot keep them on the shelf.
Cartoon/Diary-All Kids
All of my kids (boy, girl, top reader, struggling reader) LOVE the Diary of a Wimpy Kid books. For Christmas I got a set of Origami Yoda books. I was not quite sure what to think of them at first, but they turned out to be really cute. A teacher who lives in Virginia wrote them and they are similar to the Diary of a Wimpy Kid books, but for a 7th, 8th, &  9th graders.
Top Boy Reads
It is difficult to get a lot of my boys to read so I always try to keep the latest/popular books for boys in my room. These are the ones that get checked out the most!
Top Girl Reads
These are my top checked out girl books. I should note that some of these are only appropriate for the upper grades (John Green books are GREAT, but do contain some older language/situations)
Popular books for everyone!
These are the books that are popular with ALL my students!

1 comment:

  1. I am reading Wonder right now with my son & daughter - excellent book! Thank you for posting the great recommendations, we're always on the look-out for great books!
    Science for Kids Blog
