
Monday, April 1, 2013

Imaginary boyfriends

So I posted on Friday about book friends I wish could be real life friends. 

Today I thought I would take a few minutes to talk about my current book boyfriends because really....

Boys in books are just better!

Gilbert Blythe from Anne of Green Gables
Admittedly I am on an Anne of Green Gables kick as of late as I am reading through all the books, but I love Gilbert! He gives as good as he gets. I've never really dated someone who has the ability to banter with me and that is what I want. Also, he ADORES Anne. How can you not love that?

Lucas from Easy by Tamara Webber
I read this book randomly on my kindle one day and really liked Lucas. He is the brooding character with what appears to be a dark side. What girl doesn't, at some point, want the bad boy? To take a line from Anne of Green Gables, "I wouldn't marry anyone who was really wicked, but I think I'd like it if he could be wicked and wouldn't." 

I have been annoyed with all of the authors trying to take advantage of the Twilight phenomenon and writing crappy supernatural romance, but I liked the first book of this series. That whole bad boy thing also presents itself in Hush, Hush. Patch is a fallen angel who wants to get his wings back. 

I also have a few T.V. boyfriends (who doesn't!)

Nick Miller from The New Girl 

I liked Nick before "The kiss"even if the kiss was pretty epic!

Jonathan Jackson as Lucky Spencer from General Hospital 

 The whole Liz and Lucky storyline started in '97-'98 right around when I was 13-14 and I was hooked. I would record the show and fast forward through everything just to watch their scenes. 

***Nerd alert*** I was even in an online group called the |_ _| (L&L) brigade. I just did a quick search and found our old website: 

I still think a lot of my ideas of how a man should treat a woman come from how Lucky treated Liz. 

Am I the only nerd our there or do any of you remember the ORIGINAL Lucky and Liz friendship and romance?

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