
Monday, April 15, 2013

Quick Update

I thought I would drop in to say that blog posts are going to be a little spotty this week. 

I thought I could get everything done, but I am admitting defeat. 

On Friday (at the end of planning) we were pulled into a meeting and told that we were going to start mandatory english and math tutoring of students during our planning period starting tomorrow (Tuesday). 

Now I don't mind this because we do it every year. What I do mind is that the higher ups knew this was coming for weeks and waited to tell us until the last second. This left us english and math teachers scrambling to get together lists of students, passes, curriculums, and create answer keys for the teachers who don't teach our subjects and are helping out. 

I am also trying to figure out what my students need to review before their year end test. I've said many times before this is a different breed of student than in previous years. 

Of the 65 kids I have on my roster I have 15 bubble kids (kids that could go either way on the test) which is the highest it has ever been. My test is on May 13th and I can't figure out what will push them over the top!

We also have a faculty meeting tomorrow (grrrr). 

On top of that I am still working on my home improvements which means that I have people coming to my house almost every day to talk to me during the time I would normally devote to writing my blog posts. 

I hope that you are surviving the year end crunch time a little bit better than I am!

I'll try to check in this week with a few little anecdotes! 

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