
Friday, June 28, 2013

Hall Passes

So I have been seeing on Pinterest the idea of using customer loyalty cards from Vistaprint as a punch reward system. 

Source: via Kacey on Pinterest
Generally, I don't believe in giving students rewards for things they should be doing in the first place. 

However, I still loved the idea and decided to repurpose the idea as bathroom passes!

I don't know about you, but my kids love using any excuse they can to get out of class as much as possible. Because of this I need to have limits and strict regulations tied to my passes.

I have a hard time keeping track of bathroom passes and struggled with finding a way to keep up with them. 

Some years I would keep a list of my kids and check them off as they went (too complicated)

Last year I copied passes that the students had to cut out. These were too flimsy.

I decided that using customer loyalty punch cards would be a great solution!

This is a mock up of the passes I plan to use this coming school year:

Luuuuuurvs it!

How do you handle bathroom passes?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I ADORE this. I used to use a ticket system, but this is far more efficient. Will you give them one per year?

    1. I'm going to give them 1 card per 9 weeks. I feel like 5 passes in 9 weeks is actually a little too generous, but it's summer so I am feeling a little nice right now haha!

  3. What a cool idea!! I have a template I used for passes, but this is actually way better! I am so glad I figured out you have a blog! I have purchased items from your TPT store, and it's so hard finding secondary blogs!

    1. I know! Why is it so hard to find things for the upper grade levels? Elementary people rule the roost it seems!

  4. I use bathroom passes and I keep them hung on rings organized by class. My card has room for ten punches (five per semester). Last year this seemed to be plenty of passes and I only have to make one card that lasts all year. I also put a couple of blanks on each ring so that I can easily add any new students. I just have the kids find their card and bring it to me to punch. It worked out very well and I plan on doing it again. I really like the idea of extra credit for not using a pass. My editable template can be found is in my TPT store and can be downloaded for free. I also have bought several of your Prezis and absolutely love your work!

  5. I think I'm going the Vistaprint route; I've probably tried 15 or more "systems" to deal with students leaving the room and have never seen one I love more than this. I'm going to go with five per semester, though. The end of the year was rough enough to curb any semblance of niceness.

  6. Does it give you an option to create less boxes? I love this system. I only would like to give three boxes for the entire semester, though because of the ample time they are given in between classes in the high school I teach at.
