
Monday, September 2, 2013

Teacher Binders

So I got a gift certificate to Erin Condren for my birthday and I got a teacher planner:
It is super pretty and really durable, but I am still trying to decide how practical it is for me. I dislike that I can't add sections in that I need. 

I decided to try to put together one of my own with exactly what I need in it and use both until I decide which version I like better. 

During the TPT sale I found this: 
"Editable" animal print classroom organizer

It was super cute and said it was editable so I gave it a shot. 

However, a lot of it was not easily editable, without a lot of headache or mixing of fonts (and I don't like that) so I have only retained the cover and the calendar portion of it for my binder :(

I also found this:
OWL binder covers!

Which IS editable and told me where I could get her cute fonts, so I am love with them!

Let's take a tour of my binder now!
Front Cover
I used these cute paper clip binder tabs to clip to each section so I can flip to each easily. (Click the picture to see them on Amazon!)

Inside the front cover
I keep my Post It Note To Do items in the front 

I have my week at a glance separated by grading period (I didn't take a picture of all of them)

I keep my long form lesson plans also
My differentiated questioning for different literary topics (see below)

Meeting forms for faculty meetings and team meetings...

Forms I use are in:

I keep two different types of parent contact logs in my binder. A generic one that I place ALL contact on and an individual one if I have a particular student that I need to contact home about....a lot.
Forms I use:

I also keep some pretty lined paper behind this so I can keep generic notes on behavior in the classroom if I need it for documentation later. 

When SMART goals rear their ugly heads I have a spot for them!

This is self explanatory but a fun seating chart is included in my teacher forms as well
We are using so many new online testing places this year (Istation, Map, Etc...) I needed a place to keep my passwords to these sites.
They unblocked Pinterest at my school this summer, but I printed out some of my pin boards to put in the back of my binder as well. 

My owl Pencil bag that I keep in the front as well!

I think my binder is pretty cute....and who doesn't want to overdose on owls?!

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