
Tuesday, January 15, 2013

How much teachers SHOULD be getting paid

I’ve been doing a lot of thinking lately about how I can supplement my income due to the fact that teaching really isn’t a lucrative profession. After much thought I have decided that I think that the school board should compensate me for services rendered. Out of the kindness of my own heart I have come to the conclusion that I won’t calculate delinquent charges and start fresh tomorrow.

Here are the things I am going to begin pie charting:

Bill for Services Rendered Key

Faculty meetings less than or equal to (1/2 hour)

Faculty meetings longer than (1/2 hour)
$200 each extra half hour

Every word read off a hand out or PowerPoint Presentation (FYI: this is called time suckage and insulting*)
$250 dollars per word

Professional Development on something worthwhile+

Professional Development on something worthless+

Meeting during class period
Meeting during planning period


Phone call to parents/guardians (standard call)
$5.99 Per Minute

Phone call to parents/ guardians (belligerent phone call*)
$299.99 (flat fee!)

Meeting with parent in person (standard)
$9.99 per minute

Meeting with parent in person (belligerent*)
$500 (flat fee!)

If a parent says, “You’re not even old enough to be a teacher!”

Eating in the cafeteria with the students
$100 a day
$50,000 flat rate
(You choose!!!)

Attending an assembly, rally, or student meeting during class time

Attending an assembly, rally, or student meeting during planning period

Student Fee
$10 a day times (x) number of students in classroom
Student transfer fee- From another teacher

Student transfer fee- From another school

If a student is rude (Facial expression) *+
$199 per incident

If a student is rude (Hand Gesture) *+

If a student is rude (Body Language) *+

If a student is rude (Noise) *+

If a student is rude (Using his words) *+

If a student is threatening *+

If a student whines
$50 first whine
$125 each additional whine

If a student steals a pencil

If a student steals a pen

Issuing a standardized test to a student
$120 per test + $75 per student

Field Trips:
Well planned field trip (less than or equal to 25 students)

Well planned field trip (less than or equal to 50 students)

Well planned field trip (less than or equal to 100 students)

Well planned field trip (Every student over 100)

Poorly planned field trip (less than or equal to 25 students)

Poorly planned field trip (less than or equal to 50 students)

Poorly planned field trip (less than or equal to 100 students)

Poorly planned field trip (Every student over 100)

Field trip from Hell+ (any number of students)

Chalk on clothing
$50 per chalking

Stepping in gum

Inability to go to the bathroom as needed

Inability to control the temperature of one’s classroom+
$12.95 per degree past or below comfortable- times (x) the number of minutes it is deemed uncomfortable

Being interrupted by the main office intercom
$29.99 per interruption

Being placed next to a loud or irresponsible teacher

Being placed next to two or MORE loud or irresponsible teachers

Reading emails from administrators
$40 an email

Surprise observations

Surprise observations at 3:00pm on a Friday Afternoon

Pain and Suffering:
Moments that are contain additional pain and suffering will be an extra charge on top of your original fee
*indicates moments in which pain and suffering could come into play
+indicates when it is up to the teacher’s discretion to determine whether the incident requires compensation

Note: I will accept all major credit cards

All in all I think that this is an exceptional value!

Don’t you?

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