
Thursday, February 28, 2013

Annoyance Part II

I wrote yesterday about how I was recently criticized by another teacher because I don't stay at my school later than 3:45. 

Yes, this is/was still bothering me. 

I have been reading Anne of Green Gables and I came across a quote that describes me to a tee:
"She was as intense in her hatreds as in her loves." -Anne of Green Gables

If I feel truly wronged I have a hard time letting go, which is a bad character trait I know. 

On the other hand, if I am passionate about something I will go to the ends of the earth to protect it or make it happen. 


We recently held a mock standardized writing test at our school to gauge how the kids will preform on the real test next month. 

Our students in 5th and 8th grade typed up essays. These essays were to be distributed amongst all the english teachers to grade. They were to go to different english teachers so they would have a fresh perspective on them. 

We were given a 3 day turnaround to mark up, grade, and return the essays to their rightful teachers. 

We had such a short grading time because we were going to use these essays and their graded feedback to do lessons for the following week. 

I was out with an illness the Wednesday the essays were distributed to the teachers for grading. 
When I came in on Thursday, I found out that an ice storm was probably going to prevent us from coming to work on Friday (The day the essays were due). 

I worked like a madwoman to grade and leave comments on the 30 essays I needed to grade and got them done before the end of the day!

We did indeed have Friday off for ice and I was glad that I worked hard to get them in on time. 

As I am writing this it is now Wednesday (3 school days after their due date) evening and I have yet to have all/most of my papers returned to me. 

I finally asked if I could just have the essays back to grade myself because I have lessons I planned for the whole week around them. As it is, I shuffled lessons the last two days because I was not in possession of "The Papers."

You better believe I walked out of school today at 3:45 with a new perspective and my head held a little higher. 

I might leave work at the designated time, but I always handle my business and always have everything turned in on time, especially if other teachers depend on it for their lessons. 

Even if I might not like all the people I teach with, I will still help them out and I won't criticize every little thing about them because we are ON THE SAME TEAM and fighting THE SAME BATTLES. 

I refuse to let others tear me down because they don't think the same way I do or do the same things I do. I can only worry about myself and make sure that I am giving my job all that I can. 

If you happen to be watching "The Bachelor" right now..."I won't let them take my sparkle" har har had:

To the awesome people who left comments on my blog post yesterday:

Thank you! You Rock! :)

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