
Friday, January 24, 2014

Snow Day Generosity

So I have not been to school this ENTIRE week. 

We had MLK day off and then a small snowstorm on Tuesday that knocked us out for the rest of the week. 

It's been a nice little break. 

Lemme tell you though….It will be hard to go back to reality on Monday!

One of my childhood friends that I follow on Facebook posted this last night:

I'm participating in this Pay-It-Forward initiative : The first 5 people who comment on this status with "I'm in" will receive a surprise from me a some point in this calendar year - anything from a book, a ticket, a visit, something homegrown or made, a postcard, absolutely anything chosen for each specific person. There will be no warning and it will happen when the mood comes over me and I find something that I believe would suit you and make you happy.

These 5 people must make the same offer in their FB status. Copy this text on your profile (don't share) so we can form a web of connection and kindness. Lets do more nice and loving things for each other in 2014, without any reason other than to make each other smile and to show that we think of each other.

Here's to a more enjoyable, more friendly and love-filled year.

I like the idea and the sentiment so I thought that I would offer a version of this same thing here on my blog. I like the idea of doing it here and not with my Facebook friends that I talk to often. I feel like I can always do something kind for them on an as needed basis!

So here is what I would like to do!

The first 5 people who comment on this status with "I'm in" will receive a small surprise from me at some point in this calendar year. Everyone could use a little surprise pick-me-up at some point right! (And who doesn't love mail that is not bills!). There will be no warning and it will happen when the mood comes over me and I find something that I believe would suit you and make you happy. 

All I ask in return is that you either offer the same on your blog -OR- if you don't blog yourself you do something nice for 5 people you work with. We can form a web of connection and kindness. Let's do more nice and loving things for each other in 2014, without any reason other than to make each other smile and to show that we think of each other.

Here's to a more enjoyable, more friendly and love-filled year.

Now.let's see if 5 people still read my blog Haha!