
Thursday, July 7, 2016

Using Vista Print Label in the Classroom

Obviously I have somewhat of a Vista Print obsession (sadly there is no current 12 step program for that). 

One of the ways that I use Vista Print to my advantage is through their labels. 

I thought I would share some of my labels and how I use them!

Incomplete work
If a kid turns in work that is incomplete, I stick this "under construction" label on the paper and give it back to the kid to complete.

Poorly done work
If a kid turns in work that is not though out, messy, or just plain poorly done, I stick this "speeding ticket" label on the paper and give it back to the kid to rework.

Missing Work
If I see that a student is missing an assignment I stick this label on an extra copy of the assignment and hand it to the kid.

School Supply Labels!
Label the books or the school supplies in your room with these fancy labels and they come back more often than not!

Parent Contact
I used this label the most out of all the labels! I think it is pretty self explanatory! :)

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for continuing to share your great ideas. I think you have a similar post with this topic from 2013 b/c I was inspired and wrote a post, too!

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