
Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Teacher tip: Paint Your Bulletin Board

One of the things that I hate every. single. year. is putting bulletin board paper up!  It never fits properly and trying to line the various pieces of paper up is so frustrating as well!

I tried many different solutions over the years. I tried sheets, I tried fabric, I tried shower curtains. 

Finally, I had an idea!

(Cue hallelujah chorus music)

I decided to paint my bulletin board with a pretty universal color that would show up in most borders or could transform into a specific background if need be. (I recommend a blue!)

I got a quart of pain and a roller and I went to town!

It's great! It doesn't need to be replaced, it doesn't fade in the over time, and it can be reused over and over again! 


  1. I am moving into a new classroom where the bulletin boards have already been painted (brilliant idea by the way!). However, one is a pepto bismal pink and the other is black. I would like to use lighter blue or greenish colors. I am guessing I am going to have to prime them first. What type of paint did you use?

  2. I just painted mine black. It looks so sharp and clean. The black helps to make student work pop!
