
Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Mock Pinterest Board for Book Character

My mother actually gave me this idea. What if we could have our students make Pinterest boards as if they were a book character? They could find images that that character would pin themselves and then create captions for the pins as if they were the character.

I think it would be awesome if students could do different boards for characters as well. For example: Katniss from Hunger Games Board Ideas

  • Wedding
  • Food
  • Hunting
  • Rebellion
  • Gift Ideas
  • Clothing/Styles

Pinterest is blocked in my school district (and I am guessing it is blocked in most) but there are several ways to work around this.

1. Extra credit project for students at home
2. Create a mock board and present the idea to your school district and ask if it can be unblocked. 
3. Create a Pinterest template to print out and bring in magazines/newspapers for the kids to cut up(or just have the students draw) and place on the template! 
This is just a quick screenshot of a mock up I did in Word of a template example. Templates are not as fun as the real thing though!

I made a couple of mock boards to see if I liked the idea....and I do!

Katniss Mock Board

Go to the Pinterest board itself to see the captions!

PonyBoy Mock Board

Go to the Pinterest board itself to see the captions!


  1. I'm going to a conference next month that includes teaching with Pinterest. I've wondered since I signed up how I could incorporate it. Great idea.

    1. That sounds neat. I would be interested to know what they have to say as well!

  2. PinPinterest is the only hassle-free way to take your Pinterest account at new heights. For me, I have never seen such an amazing automation tool with this much potential. It does everything that it says and even more. By far the best tool one can consider for Pinterest automation. Boosting Pinterest account is so easy now.
