
Friday, March 29, 2013

Book Friends

My greatest stress reliever is reading books. I get absorbed into another world and feel like the characters are my friends. I have a VERY hard time letting go of characters when I finish a book because I become to inordinately attaching to them.

I was thinking recently about that question that people ask a lot, "Who would you invite to your dream dinner party?" This got me to thinking about who my dream friends would be if I could pick them. This is what I came up with:

Anne of Green Gables

Anne was imaginative, spunky, and loyal to the bitter end. Loyalty has always been big with me. I will fight for my friendships until the bitter end as well. Unfortunately we live in a society where people tend to take advantage of that character trait. I don't think Anne with an E would take advantage and we would be bosom buddies!

David Sedaris

This one would count since most of his stories are autobiographical so technically he is a character in his books. I don't laugh out loud at many things in books and I actually do with David's books so I can just imagine what it would be like to be friends with him. I think it would be both fun and terrifying to verbally spar with him. Sometimes it takes me a little longer to be quick witted when I don't have the luxury of a written response time, but it would still be fun!

Ramona Quimby

I read this books OVER and OVER when I was younger and still read them now when I need a pick me up. There are times when her brain works a lot like mine (Pretending to be on tv and getting burrs stuck in her hair). There are times when she gets on my nerves (I don't think I was ever as loud as she is). However, I think we would get along splendidly. 

Stacey from The Babysitters Club

How could you not want to be friends with Stacey? She was fun, fashionable, and worldly (she was from NYC for crying out loud!). She hit a rough patch at one point when she fell in with the wrong crowd of girls for a few books, but she came back!

The Animals from the Bunnicula books

I love animals and I used to love vampires/spooky things. What else is there to say!

Trixie Belden and the Bob Whites

I read al of these books growing up and used to dream about being a part of their group. A few of my childhood friends and I instituted our own Bob Whites of Alberta and tried to be like them. This is all we accomplished:

The case of the missing mailbox
A mailbox in our neighborhood went missing so we took notes and conducted interviews to find out where the mailbox went. Turns out they were installing a new mailbox. 
Status: Case Closed!

The case of the man on the railroad tracks
We thought there was a shadowy figure on the old railroad tracks behind my house. Turns out it was a tall pile of rocks. 
Status: Case Closed!

We also preformed unauthorized baptisms on our cabbage patch dolls. (We were weird kids)

I still have all of our old case files and notes. 

I am sure that I could think of many others, but these are the ones that I can remember wishing about for many years!

Any literary characters you would love to have to dinner?

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Stories from a Middle School English Teacher: An Eight Hour Tour

An Eight Hour Tour
Before I began teaching for the year I got a call that I needed to go to a week long conference in Atlanta to be trained in the AVID program. I had no idea what this was, but apparently I was going to be teaching it in the fall. I figured that I better attend and agreed to join the convoy. I showed up at the school board office at 6am one sunny summer day totally unprepared for the insanity that was about to occur.

I was introduced to my new assistant principal. She seemed like a perfectly normal, albeit, perky lady complete with a perm and poufy bangs from the eighties. She invited me to ride in the front seat of one of the vans with her while she drove. I figured it would be the perfect opportunity to get to know my superior. Before everyone climbed into their respective vans the ass. Principal handed out walkie talkies to each driver so we wouldn’t lose each other.

About fifteen minutes into the eight our trip I was ready to throw myself out of the moving vehicle and into the path of another. The ass. Principal began her interrogation of me as soon as the doors clicked shut. I couldn’t even keep up with all the questions she was asking, “Where you been?” “Who do you know?” “How’ve you been?” “What have you seen?” “What are you reading?” “Seen any good movies?” “Do you like Coke or Pepsi?” “Did you see that bird?”

After about an hour I couldn’t take it anymore and pretended to sleep for the next five hours. The unlucky lady behind me didn’t think to take the same approach and she was the ass. Principal’s next victim. She had to read to read to the ass. Principal from an educational journal for two hours. I felt bad but it was the survival of the fittest time in that van.

About six hours into the trip the ass. Principal had no one else in our van to interrogate so she switched to a new tactic, using the walkie talkies to bother the other vans. Because we were the lead van she decided to give the other vans traffic updates, “The road looks clear Y’all! I only see a purple car about 100 yards ahead of us. Uh-oh, I see something on the side of the road up ahead. I am going to put on my brakes. Slow down! Watch out! Slow Down! Oh, it’s just a paper bag don’t worry about it. So did anyone see America’s Got Talent the other night?”

She never seemed to notice that no one ever responded to her. When we finally got to Atlanta I walked up to a group of riders I had never met before and said, “Can I ride home with you guys?” One of them turned to me and said “I’m sorry we couldn’t rescue you. We turned those walkie talkies off after the 4th question. What is wrong with that woman?” I shrugged dejectedly and we all walked into the hotel fast friends.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Burn Notice

This is the time of year that I think that most teachers LOATHE. 

You can see the light at the end of the tunnel, but at the same time it is so far away. 

You are so tired but you keep crawling towards that finish line that is the last day of school. 

This is the worst school year that I can remember and I feel completely burned out!

I have all these ideas for new assignments and prezis that I want to make, but the idea of sitting down and making them seems: 
I actually do know what that word means however!

My spring break is coming at the end of this week so maybe I will feel rejuvenated and ready to soldier on. 

Let's hope so anyway!

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Hunger Games PSAs

We are starting the pre reading for Catching Fire in my class this week. The kids are excited about reading it as well!

I found a few fun PSAs for the series this morning and thought I would share!

Monday, March 25, 2013

After Ever Disney

I saw this video on my Google Reader the other day (on a side note, how sad is it that Google Reader is retiring?!):

I LOVED it! How great would this be to show to students (it might have a few slightlyyyyy inappropriate moments for kids under 8th grade) and then have them come up with the "ever afters" for other disney/fairy tale characters.

I was trying to think of other characters they could "ever after" this is what I have so far:
Snow White
Any of the Dwarfs 
Peter Pan
Lion King
Timon and Pumba
Sleeping Beauty 
Tinker Bell  
Any of the Pooh characters  (maybe they could use the image below to guide them haha)

I am trying to come up with fun activities to do after the SOL tests are over this year that are not movies, and I think this idea might be a winner!

Friday, March 22, 2013

Food of the Month

I was reading an article on Yahoo! and they were recapping all of the food items that are only available at certain points in the year because they are tied to holidays. 

Here’s a look at the short-lived items added to some of the major fast-food restaurants’ menus throughout the year:
 Food of the month article link
I thought that this could be a fun descriptive writing or sensory activity. I was thinking about giving the kids a calendar and having them create a food item for each month and then describe that food in as much detail as possible (maybe using the five senses). They could also create a persuasive ad for their foods using different persuasive techniques!

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Stories from a Middle School English Teacher: Quality Suckle and 75 Minutes

Quality Suckage
I assigned homework one day and as I handed it out I told the students, “This is due tomorrow no later. Do not come in tomorrow and tell me you left it at home, your dog at it, you spilled juice on it, you left it in your locker, NONE of it.”

One of the kids in the back of the room raised his hand and said, “What if it gets sucked up in a vacuum?”

The girl next to him gave him a withering look and said, “A vacuum is not going to be able to suck up whole sheets of paper.”

The boy retorted, “Hey, it’s a quality vacuum!”

75 Minutes
After teaching at two different schools I have noticed that new teachers go through a sort of hazing process. The veteran teachers don’t feel the need to get to know you, think you are intelligent in any respect, or even really treat you as a human until they are confident that you will be around for awhile and have proven your worth.

This was the issue I had with an elderly teacher in my grade level. One morning we were both in the copy room and were looking over the new schedule that had been adjusted for testing by 15 minutes when I decided to make conversation.

Here is the transcript:

Me: I don't know what to do with the extra 15 minutes today
Queen Bee: What do you mean?
Me: Classes are 75 minutes long today instead of 60, I don't know what to do with the extra 15 minutes
Queen Bee (with reproach): Honey, what are you talking about? Classes are an hour and fifteen minutes today.
Me: ....(Long pause) isn't that...75 minutes?
Queen Bee:...oh

Some fun things to note about this conversation is that while I am nowhere near a math whiz (in fact I am atrocious at math) I think I am able to figure out that an hour and fifteen minutes and 75 minutes are the same thing at a glance.

On the other hand the teacher who argued with me had been a math teacher for fifteen years. Yay for public education at its finest!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

The Outsiders

I found this image today and it reminded me of quotes from The Outsiders:

“It seemed funny that the sunset she saw from her patio and the one I saw from the back steps was the same one. Maybe the two worlds we lived in weren’t so different. We saw the same sunset.” 
― S.E. Hinton

Maybe it could be used as a pre reading for the book? 


Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Stories from a Middle School English Teacher: I vs. Me

Yesterday I introduced you to Jake.

I was sitting at home on Saturday night when I engaged in the following text conversation with said human: 

Jake: What's the rule that allows someone to say Jake and me?
Jake: Instead of Jake and I
Kacey: Take off "Jake" and see if it fits. "The teacher glared at Jake and me."
Jake: The phrase was, "Jake and me went to Walmart," and I said that was okay.
Kacey: No, that would be like saying, "Me went to Walmart."
Jake: Darn, Alright
Jake: I'm really confused. Teach me this with examples!
Kacey: Take off your name and try the sentence with both. "Jake and me threw rocks at a tree" for example
Kacey: You wouldn't say "ME threw rocks" You are not a caveman.
Kacey "Jake and *I* threw rocks at a tree."
Jake: Give me another with Me
Kacey: "Morgan Freeman read Kacey and me a bedtime story"
Jake: Ohhhhhhh. I got it
Jake: I learn from the best!
Kacey: You do weird things on a Saturday night
Jake: English, Ain't nothing to it
Jake: Get it?
Kacey: I get that you want to be slapped...

Isn't it sad that this is the age that we are at now? Sitting around on a Saturday night learning the correct times to use I or me?

Saturday, March 16, 2013


My state standardized writing test is taking place March 19-22...Eek!

I decided to mark the occasion by having a sale in my TPT store those same dates!

Check it out starting March 19:


Be sure to send me and my little kiddos thoughts and prayers on those days as well! :)

Friday, March 15, 2013

A little teacher humor

Happy Friday Everyone!

My state standardized writing test is taking place Tuesday and Wednesday of next week....

I am in quite a state! In the last 5 years I have only had 5 kids total fail this test.
This year I am not expecting the same results :(
This is just a whole new breed of student....

I felt like I could use some humor!

Here are some of my favorite teacher humor pins!

Source: thinknice.com via Kacey on Pinterest
Source: damnlol.com via Kacey on Pinterest
Source: tumblr.com via Kacey on Pinterest

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Short Story Thursday-A Walk in the Woods

Throughout my life I have dated a lot of men in the military. I must be bad luck because every single one of those boys that I dated, who were in the military, were sent to either Iraq or Afghanistan. Luckily enough every single one of those boys made it home. However, each one of them had to go through a sort of detox/rehab/transition training before they were allowed back around civilians. One of the boys put it best when he told me that they were reminded over and over that they didn’t need to kill someone who was just trying to pull a pen out of their pocket.

After hearing about this I believe that school systems need to offer a similar service to their teachers at the end of each school year. It could be a spa and nap extravaganza in which motivational tapes play over loudspeakers reminding us that we don’t need to utter the words “Excuse me, I’m talking now NOT you” “You forgot your homework AGAIN?” or “Where is your pencil” for at least two and a half glorious months. I think that I should pitch my idea at the next faculty meeting!

Since I doubt that anyone in the school board office is going to go for an idea that involves actually spending money on teachers, the other teachers and myself decided to come up with our OWN rehab/detox/transition into summer training. Somehow someone decided that the best way to do that was to go camping (it must have been one of the boys). The day after school let out Emalee, Tim, Adam, Rachel, Kate, Jake, myself, and three dogs traveled over the river and through the woods to our campsite far away from children, textbooks, and teacher’s dirty looks.

Did We Take a Wrong Turn at the Hay Bale and end up in Egypt?
When we got to the campgrounds the sun was shining, the birds were chirping, there were no children in site, it was paradise. Of course, the absolute second we started setting up our tents the skies opened on us and dumped the entire Atlantic Ocean on top of us. We all rushed back to our respective cars not a second too soon because as soon as we shut the doors hail started pounding down all around us. I began to wonder if we were starting to experience the first of the plagues of Egypt.

We sat helplessly in our cars and watched our tents being blown away. For the next few hours we amused ourselves in various ways (ie: played Uno, called each other and whined, drank and ate things from coolers, and discussed possible escape routes). When we were finally able to get out our cars the good news was that we now had waterfront campsite. The bad news was it was because our entire campsite was under a 4 inch blanket of water. A couple of extra friendly park rangers came by and helped up drain our sites and we happily, albeit soggily, returned to tent constructing.

Insects and frogs

When our campsite was finally up and running the boys set to work putting together our first fire. I don’t know what it is about boys and fire but it must be some innate thing that is triggered within them whenever they get their hands on lighter fluid but they cannot help themselves from playing with it. It is like they magically de-evolve into Cro-Magnons with only one thought, “Must. Make. Fire.” Within no Time (thanks to the 143 gallons of lighter fluid) the boys had a roaring fire going that could have warmed an entire third world country for three years.

Everyone sat around the campfire singing, telling stories, telling jokes, and watching the boys throw buckets of lighter fluid on the fire and scream for more and more wood and food. We were all having a marvelous time until the American Youth Soccer League decided to pull up next to us. Normally, this wouldn’t be such a big deal, but to a group full of teachers who want nothing more than to forget children are a part of this world, it’s a big freaking deal. They were well behaved enough but we sat around contemplating and plotting various ways to torture and make them leave. It didn’t work but it was another fun step in the healing process.

As soon as darkness fell the insects descended upon our humble abode feasting on us like we were an all you can eat buffet in Vegas. It was so bad I believe it drove a few of us to hysterics. I remember that at one point Emalee started talking to the mosquitoes that were landing on her ankles saying, “I can see you, stop that!” We had to remind her that they could not actually hear her so far gone was she with her mental facilities. On top of all of this, we had to dodge the hundreds upon hundreds of frogs that had appeared from the depths of the earth and acted like little land mines all around the campground. Every few minutes we would hear someone shout out an unintelligible sound and we didn’t even have to ask, we knew that they had either been bitten again or stepped on a frog.

Finally, we all retired to our tents with a sense of foreboding about the next day ahead.

Ailments upon livestock
The next morning I woke up happy to find out that our water had not turned to blood during that night and began to think that the day was looking up. The boys cooked a scrumptious breakfast of bacon, eggs, and bagels while the girls lounged by the campfire. After breakfast everyone trudged down to the pontoon boat with our libations, boat totes, and flippy floppies prepared for a day O’ relaxation.

We could not have asked for a more perfect day. It was 80 degrees and sunny with a slight breeze. We all clamored onboard and set off without any real plan in mind. We were still within site of the boat landing when my puppy realized he was utterly and completely sea sick. Who knew so much vomit could come out of such a little animal. We all took it in stride, consoled the poor creature, hosed the vomit overboard, and continued on our path to nowhere.

After a few hours the boys decided to fish off one side of the boat while the girls decided to swim off the other. No sooner had the swimming ladder been lowered had Adam's black lab jumped from the boat and grabbed the fishing lure. Adam had to jump from the boat and remove the fishing hook from his dog’s mouth. Sadly, the worm was not spared in this heroic rescue as the dog had swallowed him whole (RIP Earthworm Jim).

We all swam and splashed happily for awhile before climbing back on the boat for a rest. Tim, not realizing that Adam was still in the water and mere inches from the motor blades, turned on the boat. I was the first to notice Adam's splashing and screams of, “what are you doing?! The boat! Turn off the boat! Turn off the boat!” Luckily all of Adam's appendages were spared more or less and we all concurred that we had cheated death enough that day and chose to pack it in and head back to the homestead.

Darkness upon the land

We got back to the campsite and the boys immediately began to get down to business starting their fire discussing how it was going to be, “the best fire EVER! So much better than last night’s!” I was concerned by the nugget of information seeing as how I had suffered 3rd degree burns over 90% of my body from the fire on the previous night. However, I went with it because if I learned anything from camping it is that you don’t come between a man and his fire.

We were all pleasantly surprised to find that the American Youth Soccer League had been replaced by what seemed to be a man and his daughter in a neat and tidy pop up camper. The sing a longs, stories, and jokes from the night before continued until late in the night. Around midnight the girls decided to take a group trip up to the restrooms before bed. We grabbed our lantern and headed out. We quickly discovered that the young girl from the camper next to us had decided to follow us and use out lantern light as a guide. We didn’t think anything of it until we came back to camp and discovered the man from the site next to us had come over to talk to the boys. The two strangers retired to their campsite and strange moaning and slapping sounds could be heard for the next few hours.

Our group sat around the campfire contemplating this strange event and coming to the conclusion that the only possible explanation was they were serial killers from West Virginia targeting us in a murder plot and the thought of our looming deaths turned them on. We all went to bed a little more scared of the dark than normal and not really able to sleep.

At about 2 A.M. we heard a rustling in a campsite. I was quite certain this was the end for me and began to hide under the covers when I heard ADam say, “Guys you’ve got to see this!” I peeped out of the tent to see that a HUGE albino skunk was rooting through our picnic area. I have never seen anything like it before or since. I called out to the tent next to me that was housing Kate and Jake and said, “Guys hurry up this is amazing!” I probably shouldn’t have rushed them because the next thing we heard was a loud “THUD!” and Kate crying out in pain. At that moment I became convinced that the albino skunk was just a diversion the campers next door had used so they could murder Jake and Kate without interruption. After a lot of commotion we learned that Jake, in his hurry to see our little nightTime visitor, had pulled out his flashlight too fast and had clocked Kate right in the eye. After awhile we all had a good laugh and when to sleep a little less apprehensively.

The next morning we packed up our campsite and headed home a little more banged up physically than we were before we got there, but a lot more emotionally stable than when we got there.

The only issue is that I am still quite certain that those creepy campers from the next site over are going to come back and kill all of our first born children one day in order to complete the plagues of Egypt cycle.

Despite all the befuddlements and insanity I would whole-heartedly recommend camping for all your future relaxation needs!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

I know i've got it when....

I use my classroom chalkboard in my classroom for a plethora of things:

Journal Questions
Random Fact of the Day
Daily Agenda
Daily SOL
Exit Slips
Dead Words

I am thinking about changing up my board for next year. 

I am thinking about taking away my "dead words" and adding this section:
"I know I've got it when..." 

The way I see it working is if the agenda says:
TSW: Identify foreshadowing in Roald Dahl's "The Landlady"

The I Know I've Got it When section could say:
I can recognize at least 80% (or five instances) of foreshadowing in short stories on my own

Let me try another example

If the agenda says:
TSW: Identify and utilize figurative language

The I Know I've Got it When section could say:
I can define and give examples of:

I figured this might be nice for kids to see

It would also be nice to try to write it in more kid friendly language

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Zombie Science

I don't know what it is about my students the last few years but they are OBSESSED with zombies!

I found this video the other day and LOVED it!

I thought it could be a neat intro for a zombie writing assignment or two. 

I found the following prompts:
1. You wake up, only to find yourself covered in dirt. You have no idea how you got here. You start to dig. It seems to be taking forever. Keep digging. Finally you reach up and a million smells hit you at once. You crawl out of the pile of dirt. Something smells weird………. Finish the story, you are the zombie.
2. The zombie apocalypse has begun. Describe your lead character and the group that follows. Let your readers know the ins and outs of their compound.
3. Heather has been crushing on the boy next door since they were in third grade. One morning she peaks between her curtains to see him standing in the window. He appears to be undead. Tell the story.
4. Your best friend has been cursed, he must spend the rest of his life looking like a zombie. Tell the tale of the curse and how two friends break it.
5. The character is digging in her garden when a familiar hand reaches up for her.
6. Your character is taking a walk in Central Park. The wind is chilly, the park, oddly silent. There is a man sitting on the bench holding a newspaper. As the character jogs past, only one headline catches attention; ZOMBIES!!!
7. Write a zombie love story. Start it with a line like – the most beautiful piece of flesh I ever saw was…
8. (Insert favorite social media here) is taken over by zombies.
9. The characters favorite doll turns into a zombie. The rest of the toys follow, one-by-one.
10. Write a poem containing these keywords – zombie, flesh, dirt, earth, blood, stink, rot

Before students turn it in they could "zombify" themselves and put it at the top of their writing prompt?

I found a few neat "Make yourself a zombie" suites:

Me as a zombie! (Gross!)